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is a Catalan cyborg artist best known for developing the Seismic Sense, an online seismic sensor that allows her to perceive earthquakes taking place anywhere in the planet through vibrations in real time. In order to share her experience, she then translates her seismic sense on stage. Ribas transposes the earthquakes into either sound, in her piece Seismic Percussion; or dance, in Waiting For Earthquakes. In these performances the Earth is the composer and the choreographer; and Ribas, the interpreter. 


Ribas’ seismic sense also has allowed her to feel moonquakes, the seismic activity on the Moon. Ribas believes that by extending our senses to perceive outside the planet, we can all become senstronauts. Adding this new sense allowed her to be physically on Earth while her feet felt the Moon, so in a way, she could be on Earth and space at the same time.

Moon ribas

Just wanted to thank you for helping to bring Moon to TOA at Melt Festival. Her talk was a huge hit! Everyone had questions and were super impressed with her presentation!

#Melt Festival, Berlin

Press Neil
Feedback Neil

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